
What is a Metaverse?

We live in a world where the USD dominates as the main currency, giving America immense power to control the financial system, print money, fuel inflation, start wars, and essentially govern global affairs. Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, are not widely accepted. No one is buying everyday goods with crypto, and many cryptocurrencies are seen as experimental Ponzi schemes.

If you compare crypto to the internet, the internet was quickly embraced by everyday people—whether through web browsing, email, chats, or other services. Crypto, however, is lagging behind, still confined to a closed industry with little real-world use outside those working in it. Ask a waitress or a taxi driver—they don't use crypto in their daily lives, though they’ve used the internet from its early days.

Metaverses have the potential to change that. They can act as the bridge between people and technology, providing real-world utility to blockchain. Why? Because metaverses are virtual economies, and for these economies to be valid and sustainable, they must be powered by a secure technology capable of replacing real-world financial systems.

It's unrealistic to think that the U.S. will abandon the USD in favor of any independent cryptocurrency. But if it can't happen in the real world, it can happen in a virtual one. This is where metaverses come in—virtual economies where people can have alter egos and alternate lives.

We are at the beginning of a revolution: the creation of virtual worlds, by us, for us—to entertain, to experiment with new types of societies. It opens up the possibility for god-like power in virtuality. This is what we are striving for with Meta Island—the first virtual world that is both sustainable and offers real utility to its native crypto, $ISL, within its own reality.

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